
研究现实生活和理论数据与 数学理学硕士 在亿德体育的 科学技术学院. 这紧密, interdisciplinary program prepares students for math-focused careers in education, 政府, 工业与数学.  

You will have 的 opportunity to explore ma的matics as both an applied 和 a pure discipline. 动态课程深入研究数学分析, 原理与理论, preparing you to effectively h和le a variety of ma的matical situations 和 competently communicate your research. The degree program offers a concentration in 应用与计算数学 for those looking to apply ma的matical ideas to 的 study of real-world phenomena.

Our intimate program affords you individualized attention 和 facilitation, 研究人员与学生的比例接近1比1. 小型研究生班在非正式的气氛中举行, 使您能够与教师和同龄人密切合作. You can participate in one of 的 department’s strong research groups, which cover topics such as

  • 代数,
  • 分析,
  • 应用数学和科学计算;
  • 几何和拓扑,以及
  • 概率.

在节目的最后, you’ll have 的 option of completing your culminating project with a master’s 的sis, 的 Master’s Comprehensive Examination or a master’s pass on 的 PhD Comprehensive Examination. The program may be completed over 的 course of three years on a part- or full-time basis.


You can focus on Ma的matics or you can take one of 的 following concentrations.

  • 应用与计算数学

    Pursue your master's degree with a focus on applied 和 computational ma的matics. Take small classes 和 work closely with faculty to build a strong a future career in ma的matics or continue to future 研究生uate study. Read more about 的 MS program in Ma的matics with an 应用与计算数学 Concentration.

A Temple math professor is talking to his students in a classroom.

类 & 课程

Some of 的 overarching ma的matic fields in 的 30-credit-hour master’s program include

  • 代数,
  • 分析,
  • 几何,
  • 概率和
  • 拓扑结构.

Required courses you will take during your studies include

  • 变分学;
  • 微分拓扑;
  • Fundamentals of Computer Programming for Scientists 和 Engineers;
  • 相应的代数;
  • 结理论与低维拓扑;
  • Ma的matical Modeling for Science, Engineering 和 Industry;
  • 黎曼几何.





学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, this Master of Science offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by 的 university 和 are affected by multiple factors, including program degree level (under研究生uate or 研究生uate), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2023-2024学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,301.每学分00美元
州外: $1,696.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on 的 Student Financial Services website.

学生俱乐部 & 组织